Another lazy afternoon in these holidays. No agenda. My net connection was weak and I wasn’t enjoying the slow online surf. I found a small packet of plastic beads around and fascinated by the sill-oh-so-random arrangement (that I simply made by emptying the packet on my desk), I took out the camera.
But everything was already so well-planned: My digi-cam’s battery was discharged! With an instant frown, I kept the camera on a shelf right above my desk, popped in a toffee lying there, packeted the beads and started watching TV. I had forgotten all about this mundane do.
Later that evening, I spotted a butterfly on that shelf, very close to the camera.
It was well-balanced on my trophy placed there.
Yeah, it was a harmless butterfly and it seemed quite pretty. But I knew I wouldn’t think the same had it fluttered around. No, I hadn’t panicked yet and let things be.
I later learnt from mum that it lay on the shelf since morning. Investigations led to the fact that it had died that morning on the window sill and dad had kept it there, intrigued by its textures....
I just shook my head in disbelief.
I had missed a butterfly when I kept the camera? Missed it when I had the toffee?
Convinced that it “really” had passed out, I held it with a nervous grip:
Turned it over.
And realised it had asymmetrical wings!
Perhaps, it’s the most common and easy-to-spot butterfly.
But it’s pretty in its own special way.
And certainly, Prettier than this one: