20 June 2008

When Pinnacle met...

I don't know why I like this picture soo much!!!
No, wait, I probably know too many reasons why I like it.
Yeah, so maybe that is keeping me away from claiming one big reason that makes me adore it.
To cut it short,
here are some reasons why I like this picture......

~This is one of the first few pics my phone's camera clicked.

~I got a soft buddy as a gift after such a long time.

~Pinnacle came into my life.

~The emotion the picture creates in one's mind....
....the harsh, reality with the medicated glucose dripper and the cute, fantasy with Pinnacle beside it!

~This picture makes me think, 'gal,you are over it!!'

~It reminds me of the endless lectures I missed in class (which I had to cope-up later).

~It reminds me of how the monster-in-disguise injections seemed harmless when I had a look at my new buddy!

~The blue shade of the picture (mood:incandescent) is well-contrasted with the yellow!

~My first ever 'get well soon card' lies there(no NO no, I don't want more!)

~It makes me think about.....

P.S: This ain't my photography....
This post reminds me of my victory over the sickness....

Now, tell me is there any "other" reason you like (or hate) the picture for???